Job Mobility vs Loyalty

5 minutes

Are you considering switching law firms?


In the past, junior lawyers used to prioritise loyalty to one firm and follow the traditional partnership path. But now job mobility has become more common. So, why do lawyers move jobs more frequently these days? Here are a few top reasons:


  1. Reduced stigma. Switching law firms used to be seen as harmful to your career. That has now gone, particularly for young lawyers.
  2. More choices. There are more boutique law firms, in-house roles and specialisms to try. All round, there are new routes you can take to progress your career.  
  3. Work-life balance. Flexible working options can help lawyers step off those 12-hour days that can lead to burnout. At some point in a legal career, this could be an important reason to change jobs.
  4. Culture shifts. Lawyers today look to firms who are more open in their communication, offer training opportunities and create a positive work environment.
  5. Eye-catching compensation packages. Law firms are not just pitching a high salary to talented lawyers, but also creative and enticing compensation packages.


The advantage of job mobility is that it creates a more dynamic workforce who are with a company for the right reasons and leaders who aren’t complacent in attracting and retaining legal talent.


We’re here for anyone keen to make the move. Get in touch and check out our latest vacancies.


What’s the most important factor for you when you’re looking for a legal role? Let us know in the comments below!